
Monk - WIP 1

I began a new drawing. It is called 'Monk'.
The paper I use is Canson (r) Drawing Paper (180 g/m2).

At this stage I probably already spent 3-4 hours. I started with a rough outline using a soft mechanical pencil.

After that I began shading with a H2 in small circles, overlaying crosshatching and blending it with a Kleenex (no oil!). I applied 2-3 Layers with this technique. Blending it with a Kleenex.

With a kneaded eraser I pulled out some of the highlights.

I sketched roughly the eyes and shaded them with a 9B. The iris was slightly filled with charcoal, as well as the bottom of the top eye lid.

I overlayed a few more layers with 2B blending it again. On the right side of the face, where the shadow will be I repeated this step around 3-4 times with a 9B.

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